Cyber Security & Beyond

House of Tumber is the establishment of Rajinder Singh Tumber M.B.E. & his descendants. Rajinder Singh Tumber M.B.E. is an industry awards judge, a student mentor, and Board member of a London university. He is CISSP certified, and holds an MSc & BSc from London universities. Looking for a career in cyber security? He has prepared the guide “A Career in Cyber Security”.
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In January 2017, Rajinder Singh Tumber M.B.E. broke the world record, by writing the world’s longest love poem: Divine Verse. The previous record, Evening Star (Luceafarul), was written over 100 years ago, by Mihai Eminescu (1850-1889). The catalyst for writing this poem, was his near-death experience in June 2010.
Divine Verse is over 2400-words long, capturing the divine love between the mortal Eve, and the immortal Serpent, during the time of Creation, in the Garden of Eden.
The poem can be described as a combination between “Shakespeare in Love” (a romantic drama), “Star Trek (as it contains elements of science-fiction), and “Bram Stoker’s Dracula” (for its romance and fantasy) – which together, produce a romantic and magical love poem. This world record-breaking poem has been featured by: